Referral Information

Manage Your Referral Online

If your GP refers you to a hospital or clinic, ask if you can book the appointment online.

Managing your referral online is easy. You can book your own appointment on a date and time that’s convenient for you. You may also be able to choose which hospital or clinic you go to.

Once booked you can check the details, change your appointment or cancel it, if it is no longer needed.

The service is fast, convenient and secure.

Better for the NHS

Booking your own referral appointment online helps save your GP time and saves the NHS money.

When patients book online, hospitals have fewer missed appointments and the NHS spends less on phone bills and sending letters.

The online service isn’t right for everyone. So there is also a phone number you can call, and GP practices will still book appointments for patients who need help.

How to manage your referral online

  • your booking reference number, from your booking letter
  • the password you received with your booking letter
  • your year of birth.

If you have been referred, but don’t have your booking reference number or password, please contact your practice.

If you have any problems booking online, call the telephone number on your booking letter.

NHS e-Referral Tracking

If your doctor has referred you to a specialist for further care you will be asked to book your appointment using the ‘NHS e-Referral’ system.

You will receive a letter from us within 2 weeks giving details of how to book your appointment and any passwords you may need.

To track your e-Referral you will need the following details to log into the e-Referral website:

  • Your date of birth
  • Reference number – this will be on the first page of your letter
  • Password – this will be on the second page of your letter