Training Practice

We are a GP training practice and usually have a GP registrar working with us as part of the team. They are fully qualified doctors completeing their 3 years of postgraduate training to become a GP. Depending on the stage they are at, they may be with us for between 4 months and a year. They have daily surgeries, undertake home visits and help with on-call doctor duties. They are always supervised and constantly assessed throughout their placement with us.  Patients may occasionally be asked whether they mind having their consultation videoed or telephone call recorded for assessment purposes.  These videos and assessments are confidential and only ever used by the trainee and their trainer for educational purposes. 

We are also linked with St George’s Medical School (University of London) and frequently have medical students attending the practice to experience our work. Patients will always be asked whether or not they are happy for a medical student to be present before being seen by the doctor.